In the movie Skyfall Money Penny catches James Bond about to shave and says, “Cut throat razor, very traditional.” Bond replies, “I like to do some things the old fashion way.”
Sometimes the old ways are the best, like using cash.
‘Cash is king’ and using cash can be a better way of keeping control of your money. In the old days there was only cash. These days with banks card we tap and go, tend to spend more and have a lessor idea of how much money we have.
Have you ever been embarrassed and inconvenienced when you’ve tapped your card on the Eftpos machine and it’s been declined? You know the money in there, but it’s been declined! Insufficient funds! Have you ever been confused by the bank slip coming out of the ATM machine that gives you both current and available balance for your bank account?
When times are tight, and the bank account is running on fumes you need to be aware of your balance. But which balance? Banks will give you two balances: available balance and current balance. Current balance is often the bigger amount that includes everything. The available balance refers to the amount available to without any restrictions. But even if you disregard your current balance and go with the available balance you can still get caught.
Available balance is the lower amount because cheques haven’t cleared or there are pending withdrawals or authorisations on your account. Withdrawals don’t necessarily hit your account when you tap the card. They can be delayed if your make purchase overnight or purchase from a business that for one reason or another doesn’t post the charge to your account straight away. The cost of coffee at McDonalds has often hit my account two days later.
Using cash will give you more control over your cashflow, and help you live within your means. Having a good budget and knowing you spend $100 per week on groceries, withdraw the $100 when you get paid and keep it in your wallet or purse. When you do your grocery shop use the cash. You will measure it out for the different shops you like, see where its’ going and your spending habits, and you’ll know when you’re about to over spend. How different is this to the tap of the card with a wish and prayer!
Put a $50 note in your wallet for lunches and coffees. When is gone it’s gone; you’ve spent your budget amount. Put a $20 not in your purse from alcohol. When is gone it’s gone; you’ve spent your allocation. With tighter control over our money we will not robbing our savings or eroding our financial future.
So use cash. Sometimes the old fashion ways are the best.
For more help on managing your budget or any other money matters, contact your local financial adviser or myself at Turtle Securities.
Turtle Securities Pty Ltd Dubbo NSW 2830
Christopher Turtle, Authorised Representative No. 275624 and Turtle Securities Pty Ltd is Corporate Authorised Representative No. 1281015 of InterPrac Financial Planning Pty Ltd (AFSL 246638)
Call Chris Turtle: 0487 181 676
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